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Cool Gadgets | Eclipse Solar Gear, Solar Charger

Cool gadgets at this time is Eclipse Solar Gear. It is a Tablet Pc Cover that have ability to fill the battery energy with using the sun or solar energy. But this device a little different with Solar charger, like apple juicz.

Eclipse Solar Gear it name. for first glance it seem like notebook cover. but if we look at the inner part, this tool is equipped by thin panel solar film that flexible.

Eclipse solar Gear have the role to provide energy until 4 watt. When using for charging mobile device. Moreover, this tablet Pc cover also equipped by portable power pack that have battery lithium ion for saving energy, and also have USB mini connector.

To have Eclipse solar Gear, users had to spend USD 129.95 to cover a 7 inch. Eclipse Solar Gear manufacturers have also been preparing to make a similar tool with a larger size, which is 10 inches. This tool will be able to provide power for up to 8 watts and is claimed would fit with other IPAD and tablet PCs that are large.

Cool Gadgets | Eclipse Solar Gear, Solar Charger Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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